por Azul Blaseotto | Sep 13, 2023
Vamos a la playa [Tren en movimiento, 2018] Exhibited at Fatt Bottom and Espaxio Prado-la Fundició, Barcelona 2018. ARTEBA and Espacio Moebius, Buenos Aires 2018 If someone says «cinema» and «fury» in the same sentence, we are likely to imagine an action movie....
por Azul Blaseotto | Sep 13, 2023
Pandemic life [online] Miniseries that ironic illustrates how everyday life during the pandemic sought its most creative and optimistic side to develop abnormally during the quarantine. Spanish, color, 4 pages Vida pandémica [online] Miniserie que...
por Azul Blaseotto | Sep 13, 2023
Interview with the judge [Spoiler Magazine] The comic visualizes the political-judicial framework and its connection with the military and media power that characterizes a democracy that does not always respect the division of powers.Based on the testimony...
por Azul Blaseotto | Sep 13, 2023
Witness interview [Editions Univesidad de Buenos Aires-Sociales, 2021] Based on the testimony produced by the course Analysis of Genocidal Social Practices of the Sociology career, the comic illustrates the lucid and heartbreaking analysis of Mario Villani,...
por Azul Blaseotto | Sep 13, 2023
All this land has a great strength [unproblema+ editions, 2022] Work awarded with the 1st Prize- Acquisition Award 8M 2021 Exhibited at CCKirchner Buenos Aires, Museo de Bellas Artes de Luján, MAR /Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Mar del PlataIn reversible...